Where Earth Meets the Sky is a theatrical reclamation of Sci-Fi through the lens of women of color in the south . In the tradition of indigenous futurism, this play portrays visions of a future in which queer people of color and women are not just present, they are active agents and protagonists in the healing and reunification of the earth. Timely in its creation, this play explores the themes of socialization and environmental destruction. It calls us to reexamine our human relationship to the earth, to each other, and to a present and past that is steeped in systemic and global violence.
Anghared262 is from Omnivessel, which left the earth in the year 2050. She is sent to the once-dying Earth with a mission of scouting for food samples. When she encounters Earthroot, she enters her ancestral past and questions her allegiance to Omnivessel. Earthroot, a peaceful, global, matriarchy, must face the impending colonization as they lose two of their own to Anghared’s arrival.
Performed in English with some Spanish and languages yet known. Rated PG13.