In 2018 Edyka began dreaming up a 200sqft tiny home on wheels, “Casita Chilomé”, and with it the fierce desire to remind Black/Indigenous/People of Color that we are capable of building a new world in which we remember sustainable and abundant living is our birthright. In April 2021 Edyka finished “Casita Chilomé” and has been cultivating community with BIPOC land stewards and projects across the U.S. South exploring conversations around sustainable and ethical “Land Back” efforts. She has declined multiple invitations to feature Casita Chilomé on Tiny House T.V. shows on major networks and instead has been working to develop a documentary film on BIPOC efforts to divest from extractive systems and live autonomously through diverse Land Back efforts which include her own journey with Casita Chilomé. This project has received funding from Southern Equality Studios and The Shifting Culture Artist Grant